
First post

It’s my first post ever… 

I’ve been thinking about to create a blog for a long time and finally decided to make a start. Of course, knitting is my main hobby, but I also enjoy crochet, felting, sewing, cross stitch and other similar activities.

I started knitting when I was about 7 years old just because I was bored. It was summer holidays and most of my friends were away. So my granny taught me basic stitches and I started my journey into the knitting world. I don’t remember my first project. Maybe it was scarf for my favourite doll or just a knitting sample. Anyway I remember my second project – it was a sweater for myself. I was so proud when I finished it.

I have so many projects and ideas in my head that I wish to have another pair of hands and 48 hours instead of 24.  I like creating new designs and I want to share them in my new blog here. In my next post I show some of my favourite finished projects and what I am working on now. Just need some time to figure out how to add pictures and other stuff to a blog page.

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