
Vanilla Cloud Poncho and Hat Set

Vanilla Cloud Set is my latest knitted project for my little daughter. It consists of warm and cozy poncho and matching hat. I knitted this set with braided cables and moss stitch pattern. You can buy a knitting pattern  for this set in one of my pattern stores.

The design of poncho is stylish and simple. It has raglan sleeves, round bottom line and big ribbed collar. The poncho is knitted bottom up as four parts and collar is knitted in the round before all parts are sewn together. The hat is knitted in the round and has one top seam. 

Firstly, I wanted to decorate the hat with two small pompoms but after trying-on I decided leaving it as it is. I love this funny cat look. The hat also can be wearied with one or two cables at the front. Both looks are great.

I used chunky Cascade Ecological wool and US 9 (5.5mm) knitting needles to knit this set. So it was quick and fancy project. I happy with the result and my little model too!

The knitting pattern for Vanilla Cloud Poncho and Hat set is available from my pattern stores:

on Ravelry: 

on Etsy:

on Loveknitting:

and a paper copy of this pattern is availible on eBay:


  1. Where can I get this pattern?

  2. Dear Aunt Marie,
    Thank you for getting in touch.
    I have just updated the post with links...

    The knitting pattern for Vanilla Cloud Poncho and Hat set is available from my pattern stores:

    on Ravelry:

    on Craftsy:

    on Etsy:

    on Loveknitting:

    and a paper copy of this pattern is availible on eBay:

  3. Hi
    Iam following the pattern for Size 1 and am having problems at Row 7. I have followed the pattern exactly but have 11 stitches over. I have checked and I have 108 stitches and have 4 sets of Moss stitch pattern so dont know what is wrong. Can you help please

    1. Hi Tillymint,
      Thank you for getting in touch. In row 7 (short row) you need to work 94 stitches in total starting from stitch #15. You need to make sure that all previous rows are knitted correctly. Please double check.
      Could you please send me a close photo of your knitting to my email address shown in the pattern so I can try to help you to find the problem.
      Warm wishes,

  4. I am having difficulty’s with ribbing fo 18 month size. In one area it says row one to sst knit in ribbing to last 3 k 2tog. Sst last stitch — this leave 107 is this correct or should we sst first & last stitch without k2tog.

  5. do you not do this in an adult size
