
Test Knit - Tonic Cardigan

I've opened a test knit for my new design - Tonic Cardigan.
DESIGN OVERVIEW: Tonic cardigan is knitted back and forth in combination of stockinette and moss stitches divided by textured diamond stitch. The design features dropped shoulder, open front and close-fitted silhouette around waist formed by diamond stitch elements. The cardigan is designed with positive ease about 5-10 cm/ 2-4 inches. Back and front parts of cardigan are knitted separately. After the shoulder seams are completed, the stitches are picked up for collar and sleeves. 
Required Skills: Cast on, knit, purl, basic increasing and decreasing, pick up stitches, bind off.
Deadline: 24th of April, 2020.
If you are interested to participate, please follow the link  for more info. 

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